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e-Participation Pilot Projects

The HSRC is the lead implementing entity on an EU-funded project under the Department of Science and Innovation which aims to pilot e-participation in six municipalities and government entities across South Africa.

Open Data Engagements & Toolkit

PAN is working with partners in the Open Data South Africa initiative to host regular workshops on using data for social impact and policy action. We also maintain the open data toolkit.

Capacity Building on Evidence Synthesis and EIDM

There are many interesting conferences, networks and events for learning more about evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) and evidence synthesis on the African continent.

Policy Development Framework, Impact Assessment & Evaluation

The National Policy Development Framework aims to regulate policy management processes in South Africa and embed the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment System in the policymaking process.

Social Attitudes Survey

The South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) series charts and explains the interaction between the country’s changing institutions, its political and economic structures, and the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of its diverse populations.

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