Policy Development Framework, Impact Assessment & Evaluation
The National Policy Development Framework aims to regulate policy management processes in South Africa and embed the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment System in the policymaking process.
National Policy Development Framework
In December 2020, Cabinet approved the National Policy Development Framework. As outlined in the framework document available on the Presidency website, the Framework seeks to entrench good public policy-making practices in South Africa by setting out clear principles for effective policy development and implementation. This includes various specific aims outlined on p.4:
- Regulating policy management processes in South Africa.
- Codifying policy-making practices and entrenching evidence-based policy-making.
- Guiding officials, on policy analysis, policy development, policy authorisation, policy implementation and policy reviews. In doing so, policymaking standards and guiding principles are introduced for the entire policy-making cycle.
- Clarifying approaches to intra/inter departmental consultation (policy coordination) and external stakeholder consultations during policy management process.
- Embedding the SEIAS in the policymaking process
- Introducing mechanisms for policy monitoring and evaluation (aligning with the Government Wide Monitoring and Evaluation System and National Evaluation Policy Framework). Ultimately promoting, facilitating and institutionalising ex-post impact evaluations to improve policy performance and reduction in regulatory burden.
Socio-Economic Impact Assessment System (SEIAS)
As outlined on the Presidency's SEIAS page, from 1 October 2015 all Cabinet Memoranda seeking approval for draft Policies, Bills or Regulations must include an impact assessment that has been signed off by the Policy and Research Services unit in the Presidency. The SEIAS page provides links to, amongst others:
- SEIAS guidelines - 2015 version
- SEIAS Final Impact Assessment Template - 2020 version
- SEIAS Initial Impact Assessment Template - 2020 version
- Policy and Legislative Process Map - 2020 version
SEIAS and Evidence Management
In January 2021, the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) released an organisational guide on using evidence when implementing SEIAS: Evidence management for an effective and efficient Socio-economic Impact Assessment System (SEIAS). This guide is available on the DPME Policy Frameworks page along with various other monitoring and evaluation policies. Also see the DPME and UJ Departmental Guidance Note on Policy Relevant Evidence Maps.
Government Wide Monitoring and Evaluation System and National Evaluation Policy Framework
The Presidency's Policy Framework for the Government-wide Monitoring and Evaluation System is available on the DPME policy frameworks page, as is the National Evaluation Policy Framework. Additional guides, manuals and templates related to monitoring and evaluation are available on the DPME website.