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COVID-19 HSRC Surveys and Analysis

The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and its partners have been conducting research to understand how the COVID-19 virus and lockdown interventions are affecting various groups of people.


[New] COVID-19 Survey for South African Healthcare Workers sought to understand the experiences of healthcare professionals during the pandemic. The survey ran from April to May and the response form is here. The results of the survey were released on 6 August 2020 and the full findings deck is available for download here.

[New] UJ-HSRC COVID-19 public perceptions survey: The HSRC has also collaborated with the University of Johannesburg on an ongoing survey of public perceptions of the economic, social and political impact of COVID-19, and government's response. See the summary report and detailed discussion. Also this discussion on the initial survey results, seminar and the survey form. Round 2 of this survey launches on 19 August 2020, more information here.

[Ongoing] Social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among South African Youth can be accessed here.

COVID-19 Lockdown Survey ran between 8-24 April to gather behavioural insights from over 19 000 respondents looking at awareness levels and knowledge about the virus, as well the impact of the lockdown on South Africa. A results summary is available on the HSRC website or you can view the full results presentation. See the survey kickoff media release and form.

Media and reports

For media interviews on the various surveys and analysis see the HSRC Youtube channel.

A special issue of the HSRC Review runs a number of articles on COVID-19, from Tuberculosis and mental health to banning alcohol and trust in the SANDF. Download the PDF version with all articles.

For all official information and updates regarding COVID-19, visit the South African Department of Health's website at