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Capacity Building on Evidence Synthesis and EIDM

There are many interesting conferences, networks and events for learning more about evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) and evidence synthesis on the African continent.

Training programmes

The Africa Centre for Evidence has recently established a short learning programme on the Practices of Evidence-Informed Decision-Making. The programme aims to enhance the knowledge, skills and values of those with an interest in, and working in the EIDM field; and gives attention to EIDM for all role-players at all levels and across all sectors, whether social policy, education, environment, health, justice, etc.

  • What is EIDM, the principles of EIDM and the motivations for EIDM 
  • Histories and trends in EIDM 
  • Mechanisms of evidence use (i.e., the science of using science) 
  • What counts as evidence, and the value of evidence synthesis 
  • Nature and types of decisions 
  • The centrality of relationships in EIDM (including evidence ecosystems, networks, communities of practices, and collaboration) 
  • The role of capacity-sharing and co-creation in enhancing EIDM and evidence ecosystems 
  • Measuring EIDM 


Cochrane South Africa runs a number of learning and support initiatives, focusing on the health field and Cochrane methodologies. This includes monthly systematic review methods webinars and longer training programmes.

Africa Evidence Network

The Africa Evidence Network (AEN) is a broad community of nearly 3000 diverse people who share a vision to see an end to poverty and inequality in Africa. The Network’s mission is to work with others to contribute to this vision by increasing the use of evidence in decision-making. The Network is pan-African, open to all who live and work on the continent

The goals of the AEN are to foster collaboration among those engaged in or supporting evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) in Africa, increase knowledge and understanding of EIDM, share capacities across the evidence-informed decision-making ecosystem, improve the enabling context by promoting EIDM in Africa, and advocate for Africa’s full voice and participation in the national, regional and global movements to increase EIDM.


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash