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AI & Data Topical Guide Series

Can artificial intelligence (AI) and data support a more inclusive and equitable South Africa? PAN collaborated with the University of Pretoria to publish a series of nine Topical Guides on the social and policy implications of AI and data.

About the Series

This series of nine PAN Topical Guides on AI & Data seeks to provide key research insights and policy considerations for policy-makers, and other interested stakeholders, on how these technologies need to be developed, used and safeguarded in a manner that aligns with the transformation objectives of South Africa. In addition, each guide outlines ways in which South Africa may respond to the growth of data-driven systems and technologies, including AI, to foster and inculcate a more inclusive and equitable society, rather than deepen divides.

Download Topical Guides

Between January 2020 and March 2021 we released nine Topical Guides on the social and policy implications of AI and data for crime prevention and policing, education, migration, cities and towns and health, amongst others. See #AIDataSeries or email us for more information.

AI & Data Series 1 - Introducing the Series: Can AI and Data Support a More Inclusive and Equitable South Africa?

AI & Data Series 2 - Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence for Crime Prevention in South Africa

AI & Data Series 3 - AI and Data in Education: Policy Considerations for South Africa

AI & Data Series 4 - AI and Data in South Africa’s Cities and Towns

AI & Data Series 5 - AI, Biometrics and Securitisation in Migration Management: Policy Options for South Africa

AI & Data Series 6 - AI and Data in South Africa's Health Sector

AI & Data Series 7 - South Africa’s Digital Economy: The Changing Nature of Competition & Data Regulation

AI & Data Series 8 - The Politics of AI and Data: Media and Elections in South Africa

AI & Data Series 9 - AI and Data in South Africa's Finance Sector: Toward Financial Inclusion

Media and Events

On 31 July 2020, a webinar was hosted by the Data Science for Social Impact Research Group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Pretoria to discuss the Topical Guide on AI & Data in South Africa's Health Sector. See the video recording here.

On 10 March 2020 we hosted the AI & Data series launch in BoKaap, Cape Town. Recordings and media interviews including: Introduction to the series by Rachel Adams, HSRC. Plenary address by Prof. Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy. Panel discussion with representatives from the Information Regulator (Varsha Sewlal), SA Human Rights Commission (Adv Fadlah Adams), 4IR Commission (Michael Gastrow) and Research ICT Africa (Alex Comninos). Media discussions with Prof. Cannataci including SAFM interview, Research ICT Africa interview, eNCA interview.

Related work

See the 2019 edition of Global Information Society (GIS) Watch focusing on Artificial intelligence: Human rights, social justice and development including an HSRC chapter on AI Technologies for Responsive Local Government in South Africa.

Visit the web page for the Data Science for Social Impact Research group based at the University of Pretoria, and subscribe to their newsletter for regular updates about AI news and seminars.


Topical Guide design and layout by Lebo Setlaelo

Photo by ev on Unsplash